Our Courses
Childcare courses
Watercress Road, Cheshunt EN7 6XJ
Call: 0773 726 8567
childcare Courses
– SEND Awareness: A Graduated Approach
-SEND Awareness With Learning Difficulties / Disabilities
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SEND Awareness: A Graduated Approach
Course Aims : The course aim is to enable all childcare practitioners to be confident in identifying and supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Course Pre-requisites: There is no prior learning required but delegates must be over 16 years of age.
Course Duration: Half Day (3 Hours) | Trainer: Delegates Ratio 1:12 (Max)
Target Audience: : This Course is aimed at all childcare practitioners, teachers, teaching assistants to understand the graduated approach for pupils with SEND.
Course Content: On successful completion of this course the delegates will develop skills and confidence in the following:
Understanding of what is SEND | What are the common types of SEND | The SEND Graduated Approach | Working in partnership with parents and other professionals | How to Promote an inclusive practice.
Assessment Methods: There is no formal assessment for this course – continued ongoing assessment by the trainer.
Certification : On successful completion of this course, delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
SEND Awareness With Learning Difficulties / Disabilities
Course Aims : The course aim is to enable all childcare practitioners to be confident in identifying and supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The course also gives a better knowledge and understanding of special learning difficulties and disabilities.
Course Pre-requisites: There is no prior learning required but delegates must be over 16 years of age.
Course Duration: Full day (6 Hours) | Trainer: Delegates Ratio 1:12 (Max)
Target Audience: : This Course is aimed at all childcare practitioners, teachers, teaching assistants to understand the graduated approach for pupils with SEND. This course is also aimed at those who intend to become SEND teachers or teaching assistants and understand their roles and responsibilities.
Course Content: On successful completion of this course the delegates will develop skills and confidence in the following:
Understanding of what is SEND | What are the common types of SEND | The SEND Graduated Approach | Working in partnership with parents and other professionals | How to Promote an inclusive practice.
Awareness of types of Learning difficulties / disabilities (Specific learning difficulties like Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Physical Disability, Mental health conditions, Global Developmental Delay).
Assessment Methods: There is no formal assessment for this course – continued ongoing assessment by the trainer.
Certification: On successful completion of this course, delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.